Walkways Wildlife

Bringing natural history from South Kensington over to the north of the Borough

Museum scientists ran a series of workshops with residents to collect and study the biodiversity of the soil on the site. This included environmental DNA (eDNA) testing, a rapidly developing science where the soil can be tested for the DNA of all species that have lived in or moved through it a process which helps us understand the extraordinary diversity of life that lives unseen beneath our feet.

The garden would become a hub where NHM x GtK hosted quarterly planting / garden maintenance days as well as workshops for residents and young people to get involved in.

As part of the Natural History Museum's Urban Nature Project, we teamed up to bring to life a monocultural lawn on Lancaster West Estate into a biodiverse garden, called Walkways Wildlife, creating a wildlife haven filled with grasses and pollinator perennial plants. Herbs were included in the garden which had cultural links to locally run restaurants including Babajani, a Caribbean / Mesopotamium fusion of food, Moroccan Fish Bar, Moroccan, and Jay Dee's, Caribbean where videos were made to tell those stories, spotlighting the plants grown in the garden.

Natural History Museum

Urban Nature Project